You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1.3 KiB

Known differences

As of 1.x release

  • Topics such as Cross-Origin, Content Security Policy, Mixed Content, Service Workers are ignored, given our server-side context.

  • URL input must be an absolute URL, using either http or https as scheme.

  • On the upside, there are no forbidden headers, and res.url contains the final url when following redirects.

  • For convenience, res.body is a transform stream, so decoding can be handled independently.

  • Similarly, req.body can either be a string, a buffer or a readable stream.

  • Also, you can handle rejected fetch requests through checking err.type and err.code.

  • Only support res.text(), res.json(), res.buffer() at the moment, until there are good use-cases for blob/arrayBuffer.

  • There is currently no built-in caching, as server-side caching varies by use-cases.

  • Current implementation lacks server-side cookie store, you will need to extract Set-Cookie headers manually.

  • If you are using res.clone() and writing an isomorphic app, note that stream on Node.js have a smaller internal buffer size (16Kb, aka highWaterMark) from client-side browsers (>1Mb, not consistent across browsers).

  • ES6 features such as headers.entries() are missing at the moment, but you can use headers.raw() to retrieve the raw headers object.