You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

897 lines
18 KiB

* Stylus - Lexer
* Copyright (c) Automattic <>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var Token = require('./token')
, nodes = require('./nodes')
, errors = require('./errors');
* Expose `Lexer`.
exports = module.exports = Lexer;
* Operator aliases.
var alias = {
'and': '&&'
, 'or': '||'
, 'is': '=='
, 'isnt': '!='
, 'is not': '!='
, ':=': '?='
* Initialize a new `Lexer` with the given `str` and `options`.
* @param {String} str
* @param {Object} options
* @api private
function Lexer(str, options) {
options = options || {};
this.stash = [];
this.indentStack = [];
this.indentRe = null;
this.lineno = 1;
this.column = 1;
// HACK!
function comment(str, val, offset, s) {
var inComment = s.lastIndexOf('/*', offset) > s.lastIndexOf('*/', offset)
, commentIdx = s.lastIndexOf('//', offset)
, i = s.lastIndexOf('\n', offset)
, double = 0
, single = 0;
if (~commentIdx && commentIdx > i) {
while (i != offset) {
if ("'" == s[i]) single ? single-- : single++;
if ('"' == s[i]) double ? double-- : double++;
if ('/' == s[i] && '/' == s[i + 1]) {
inComment = !single && !double;
return inComment
? str
: ((val === ',' && /^[,\t\n]+$/.test(str)) ? str.replace(/\n/, '\r') : val + '\r');
// Remove UTF-8 BOM.
if ('\uFEFF' == str.charAt(0)) str = str.slice(1);
this.str = str
.replace(/\s+$/, '\n')
.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n')
.replace(/\\ *\n/g, '\r')
.replace(/([,(:](?!\/\/[^ ])) *(?:\/\/[^\n]*|\/\*.*?\*\/)?\n\s*/g, comment)
.replace(/\s*\n[ \t]*([,)])/g, comment);
* Lexer prototype.
Lexer.prototype = {
* Custom inspect.
inspect: function(){
var tok
, tmp = this.str
, buf = [];
while ('eos' != (tok = {
this.str = tmp;
return buf.concat(tok.inspect()).join('\n');
* Lookahead `n` tokens.
* @param {Number} n
* @return {Object}
* @api private
lookahead: function(n){
var fetch = n - this.stash.length;
while (fetch-- > 0) this.stash.push(this.advance());
return this.stash[--n];
* Consume the given `len`.
* @param {Number|Array} len
* @api private
skip: function(len){
var chunk = len[0];
len = chunk ? chunk.length : len;
this.str = this.str.substr(len);
if (chunk) {
} else {
this.column += len;
* Move current line and column position.
* @param {String} str
* @api private
move: function(str){
var lines = str.match(/\n/g)
, idx = str.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lines) this.lineno += lines.length;
this.column = ~idx
? str.length - idx
: this.column + str.length;
* Fetch next token including those stashed by peek.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
next: function() {
var tok = this.stashed() || this.advance();
this.prev = tok;
return tok;
* Check if the current token is a part of selector.
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
isPartOfSelector: function() {
var tok = this.stash[this.stash.length - 1] || this.prev;
switch (tok && tok.type) {
// #for
case 'color':
return 2 == tok.val.raw.length;
// .or
case '.':
// [is]
case '[':
return true;
return false;
* Fetch next token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
advance: function() {
var column = this.column
, line = this.lineno
, tok = this.eos()
|| this.null()
|| this.sep()
|| this.keyword()
|| this.urlchars()
|| this.comment()
|| this.newline()
|| this.escaped()
|| this.important()
|| this.literal()
|| this.anonFunc()
|| this.atrule()
|| this.function()
|| this.brace()
|| this.paren()
|| this.color()
|| this.string()
|| this.unit()
|| this.namedop()
|| this.boolean()
|| this.unicode()
|| this.ident()
|| this.op()
|| (function () {
var token = this.eol();
if (token) {
column = token.column;
line = token.lineno;
return token;
|| this.selector();
tok.lineno = line;
tok.column = column;
return tok;
* Lookahead a single token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
peek: function() {
return this.lookahead(1);
* Return the next possibly stashed token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
stashed: function() {
return this.stash.shift();
* EOS | trailing outdents.
eos: function() {
if (this.str.length) return;
if (this.indentStack.length) {
return new Token('outdent');
} else {
return new Token('eos');
* url char
urlchars: function() {
var captures;
if (!this.isURL) return;
if (captures = /^[\/:@.;?&=*!,<>#%0-9]+/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(captures[0]));
* ';' [ \t]*
sep: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^;[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token(';');
* '\r'
eol: function() {
if ('\r' == this.str[0]) {
this.column = 1;
return this.advance();
* ' '+
space: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([ \t]+)/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('space');
* '\\' . ' '*
escaped: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\\(.)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var c = captures[1];
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal(c));
* '@css' ' '* '{' .* '}' ' '*
literal: function() {
// HACK attack !!!
var captures;
if (captures = /^@css[ \t]*\{/.exec(this.str)) {
var c
, braces = 1
, css = ''
, node;
while (c = this.str[0]) {
this.str = this.str.substr(1);
switch (c) {
case '{': ++braces; break;
case '}': --braces; break;
case '\n':
case '\r':
css += c;
if (!braces) break;
css = css.replace(/\s*}$/, '');
node = new nodes.Literal(css);
node.css = true;
return new Token('literal', node);
* '!important' ' '*
important: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^!important[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal('!important'));
* '{' | '}'
brace: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([{}])/.exec(this.str)) {
var brace = captures[1];
return new Token(brace, brace);
* '(' | ')' ' '*
paren: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([()])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var paren = captures[1];
if (')' == paren) this.isURL = false;
var tok = new Token(paren, paren); = captures[2];
return tok;
* 'null'
null: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(null)\b[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
tok = new Token('null', nodes.null);
return tok;
* 'if'
* | 'else'
* | 'unless'
* | 'return'
* | 'for'
* | 'in'
keyword: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(return|if|else|unless|for|in)\b(?!-)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var keyword = captures[1];
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
tok = new Token(keyword, keyword);
return tok;
* 'not'
* | 'and'
* | 'or'
* | 'is'
* | 'is not'
* | 'isnt'
* | 'is a'
* | 'is defined'
namedop: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(not|and|or|is a|is defined|isnt|is not|is)(?!-)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var op = captures[1];
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
op = alias[op] || op;
tok = new Token(op, op);
} = captures[2];
return tok;
* ','
* | '+'
* | '+='
* | '-'
* | '-='
* | '*'
* | '*='
* | '/'
* | '/='
* | '%'
* | '%='
* | '**'
* | '!'
* | '&'
* | '&&'
* | '||'
* | '>'
* | '>='
* | '<'
* | '<='
* | '='
* | '=='
* | '!='
* | '!'
* | '~'
* | '?='
* | ':='
* | '?'
* | ':'
* | '['
* | ']'
* | '.'
* | '..'
* | '...'
op: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([.]{1,3}|&&|\|\||[!<>=?:]=|\*\*|[-+*\/%]=?|[,=?:!~<>&\[\]])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var op = captures[1];
op = alias[op] || op;
var tok = new Token(op, op); = captures[2];
this.isURL = false;
return tok;
* '@('
anonFunc: function() {
var tok;
if ('@' == this.str[0] && '(' == this.str[1]) {
tok = new Token('function', new nodes.Ident('anonymous'));
tok.anonymous = true;
return tok;
* '@' (-(\w+)-)?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+
atrule: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^@(?!apply)(?:-(\w+)-)?([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var vendor = captures[1]
, type = captures[2]
, tok;
switch (type) {
case 'require':
case 'import':
case 'charset':
case 'namespace':
case 'media':
case 'scope':
case 'supports':
return new Token(type);
case 'document':
return new Token('-moz-document');
case 'block':
return new Token('atblock');
case 'extend':
case 'extends':
return new Token('extend');
case 'keyframes':
return new Token(type, vendor);
return new Token('atrule', (vendor ? '-' + vendor + '-' + type : type));
* '//' *
comment: function() {
// Single line
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '/' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('\n');
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
return this.advance();
// Multi-line
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '*' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('*/');
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
var str = this.str.substr(0, end + 2)
, lines = str.split(/\n|\r/).length - 1
, suppress = true
, inline = false;
this.lineno += lines;
this.skip(end + 2);
// output
if ('!' == str[2]) {
str = str.replace('*!', '*');
suppress = false;
if (this.prev && ';' == this.prev.type) inline = true;
return new Token('comment', new nodes.Comment(str, suppress, inline));
* 'true' | 'false'
boolean: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(true|false)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var val = nodes.Boolean('true' == captures[1]);
var tok = new Token('boolean', val); = captures[2];
return tok;
* 'U+' [0-9A-Fa-f?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6})?
unicode: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^u\+[0-9a-f?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9a-f]{1,6})?/i.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(captures[0]));
* -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]* '('
function: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(-*[_a-zA-Z$][-\w\d$]*)\(([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var name = captures[1];
this.isURL = 'url' == name;
var tok = new Token('function', new nodes.Ident(name)); = captures[2];
return tok;
* -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]*
ident: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^-*([_a-zA-Z$]|@apply)[-\w\d$]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
* '\n' ' '+
newline: function() {
var captures, re;
// we have established the indentation regexp
if (this.indentRe){
captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.str);
// figure out if we are using tabs or spaces
} else {
// try tabs
re = /^\n([\t]*)[ \t]*/;
captures = re.exec(this.str);
// nope, try spaces
if (captures && !captures[1].length) {
re = /^\n([ \t]*)/;
captures = re.exec(this.str);
// established
if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re;
if (captures) {
var tok
, indents = captures[1].length;
if (this.str[0] === ' ' || this.str[0] === '\t') {
throw new errors.SyntaxError('Invalid indentation. You can use tabs or spaces to indent, but not both.');
// Blank line
if ('\n' == this.str[0]) return this.advance();
// Outdent
if (this.indentStack.length && indents < this.indentStack[0]) {
while (this.indentStack.length && this.indentStack[0] > indents) {
this.stash.push(new Token('outdent'));
tok = this.stash.pop();
// Indent
} else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) {
tok = new Token('indent');
// Newline
} else {
tok = new Token('newline');
return tok;
* '-'? (digit+ | digit* '.' digit+) unit
unit: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(-)?(\d+\.\d+|\d+|\.\d+)(%|[a-zA-Z]+)?[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseFloat(captures[2]);
if ('-' == captures[1]) n = -n;
var node = new nodes.Unit(n, captures[3]);
node.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('unit', node);
* '"' [^"]+ '"' | "'"" [^']+ "'"
string: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^("[^"]*"|'[^']*')[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var str = captures[1]
, quote = captures[0][0];
str = str.slice(1,-1).replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
return new Token('string', new nodes.String(str, quote));
* #rrggbbaa | #rrggbb | #rgba | #rgb | #nn | #n
color: function() {
return this.rrggbbaa()
|| this.rrggbb()
|| this.rgba()
|| this.rgb()
|| this.nn()
|| this.n()
* #n
n: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{1})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseInt(captures[1] + captures[1], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #nn
nn: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseInt(captures[1], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rgb
rgb: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rgba
rgba: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{4})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16)
, a = parseInt(rgb[3] + rgb[3], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rrggbb
rrggbb: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rrggbbaa
rrggbbaa: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{8})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16)
, a = parseInt(rgb.substr(6, 2), 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* ^|[^\n,;]+
selector: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\^|.*?(?=\/\/(?![^\[]*\])|[,\n{])/.exec(this.str)) {
var selector = captures[0];
return new Token('selector', selector);