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'use strict';
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const { isMoment } = moment;
const { default: moize } = require('moize');
const isDate = value =>
typeof value === 'object' && value instanceof Date && !isNaN(value.getTime());
function getMoment(date, lang, timezone) {
if (date == null) date = moment();
if (!isMoment(date)) date = moment(isDate(date) ? date : new Date(date));
lang = toMomentLocale(lang);
if (lang) date = date.locale(lang);
if (timezone) date =;
return date;
function toISOString(date) {
if (date == null) {
return new Date().toISOString();
if (date instanceof Date || isMoment(date)) {
return date.toISOString();
return new Date(date).toISOString();
function dateHelper(date, format) {
const { config } = this;
const moment = getMoment(date, getLanguage(this), config.timezone);
return moment.format(format || config.date_format);
function timeHelper(date, format) {
const { config } = this;
const moment = getMoment(date, getLanguage(this), config.timezone);
return moment.format(format || config.time_format);
function fullDateHelper(date, format) {
if (format) {
const moment = getMoment(date, getLanguage(this), this.config.timezone);
return moment.format(format);
return `${} ${this.time(date)}`;
function relativeDateHelper(date) {
const { config } = this;
const moment = getMoment(date, getLanguage(this), config.timezone);
return moment.fromNow();
function timeTagHelper(date, format) {
const { config } = this;
return `<time datetime="${toISOString(date)}">${, format, getLanguage(this), config.timezone)}</time>`;
function getLanguage(ctx) {
return || || ctx.config.language;
* Convert Hexo language code to Moment locale code.
* examples:
* default => en
* zh-CN => zh-cn
* Moment defined locales:
function toMomentLocale(lang) {
if (lang === undefined) {
return undefined;
// moment.locale('') equals moment.locale('en')
// moment.locale(null) equals moment.locale('en')
if (!lang || lang === 'en' || lang === 'default') {
return 'en';
return lang.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-');
} = dateHelper;
exports.date_xml = toISOString;
exports.time = timeHelper;
exports.full_date = fullDateHelper;
exports.relative_date = relativeDateHelper;
exports.time_tag = timeTagHelper;
exports.moment = moment;
exports.toMomentLocale = moize.shallow(toMomentLocale);