You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

209 lines
5.9 KiB

var domWalk = require("dom-walk")
var dispatchEvent = require("./event/dispatch-event.js")
var addEventListener = require("./event/add-event-listener.js")
var removeEventListener = require("./event/remove-event-listener.js")
var serializeNode = require("./serialize.js")
var htmlns = ""
module.exports = DOMElement
function DOMElement(tagName, owner, namespace) {
if (!(this instanceof DOMElement)) {
return new DOMElement(tagName)
var ns = namespace === undefined ? htmlns : (namespace || null)
this.tagName = ns === htmlns ? String(tagName).toUpperCase() : tagName
this.nodeName = this.tagName
this.className = ""
this.dataset = {}
this.childNodes = []
this.parentNode = null = {}
this.ownerDocument = owner || null
this.namespaceURI = ns
this._attributes = {}
if (this.tagName === 'INPUT') {
this.type = 'text'
DOMElement.prototype.type = "DOMElement"
DOMElement.prototype.nodeType = 1
DOMElement.prototype.appendChild = function _Element_appendChild(child) {
if (child.parentNode) {
child.parentNode = this
return child
DOMElement.prototype.replaceChild =
function _Element_replaceChild(elem, needle) {
// TODO: Throw NotFoundError if needle.parentNode !== this
if (elem.parentNode) {
var index = this.childNodes.indexOf(needle)
needle.parentNode = null
this.childNodes[index] = elem
elem.parentNode = this
return needle
DOMElement.prototype.removeChild = function _Element_removeChild(elem) {
// TODO: Throw NotFoundError if elem.parentNode !== this
var index = this.childNodes.indexOf(elem)
this.childNodes.splice(index, 1)
elem.parentNode = null
return elem
DOMElement.prototype.insertBefore =
function _Element_insertBefore(elem, needle) {
// TODO: Throw NotFoundError if referenceElement is a dom node
// and parentNode !== this
if (elem.parentNode) {
var index = needle === null || needle === undefined ?
-1 :
if (index > -1) {
this.childNodes.splice(index, 0, elem)
} else {
elem.parentNode = this
return elem
DOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNS =
function _Element_setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value) {
var prefix = null
var localName = name
var colonPosition = name.indexOf(":")
if (colonPosition > -1) {
prefix = name.substr(0, colonPosition)
localName = name.substr(colonPosition + 1)
if (this.tagName === 'INPUT' && name === 'type') {
this.type = value;
else {
var attributes = this._attributes[namespace] || (this._attributes[namespace] = {})
attributes[localName] = {value: value, prefix: prefix}
DOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNS =
function _Element_getAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
var attributes = this._attributes[namespace];
var value = attributes && attributes[name] && attributes[name].value
if (this.tagName === 'INPUT' && name === 'type') {
return this.type;
if (typeof value !== "string") {
return null
return value
DOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNS =
function _Element_removeAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
var attributes = this._attributes[namespace];
if (attributes) {
delete attributes[name]
DOMElement.prototype.hasAttributeNS =
function _Element_hasAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
var attributes = this._attributes[namespace]
return !!attributes && name in attributes;
DOMElement.prototype.setAttribute = function _Element_setAttribute(name, value) {
return this.setAttributeNS(null, name, value)
DOMElement.prototype.getAttribute = function _Element_getAttribute(name) {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, name)
DOMElement.prototype.removeAttribute = function _Element_removeAttribute(name) {
return this.removeAttributeNS(null, name)
DOMElement.prototype.hasAttribute = function _Element_hasAttribute(name) {
return this.hasAttributeNS(null, name)
DOMElement.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener
DOMElement.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener
DOMElement.prototype.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent
// Un-implemented
DOMElement.prototype.focus = function _Element_focus() {
return void 0
DOMElement.prototype.toString = function _Element_toString() {
return serializeNode(this)
DOMElement.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function _Element_getElementsByClassName(classNames) {
var classes = classNames.split(" ");
var elems = []
domWalk(this, function (node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
var nodeClassName = node.className || ""
var nodeClasses = nodeClassName.split(" ")
if (classes.every(function (item) {
return nodeClasses.indexOf(item) !== -1
})) {
return elems
DOMElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function _Element_getElementsByTagName(tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase()
var elems = []
domWalk(this.childNodes, function (node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1 && (tagName === '*' || node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagName)) {
return elems
DOMElement.prototype.contains = function _Element_contains(element) {
return domWalk(this, function (node) {
return element === node
}) || false