You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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'use strict';
var Polyglot = require('../');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
describe('t', function () {
var phrases = {
hello: 'Hello',
hi_name_welcome_to_place: 'Hi, %{name}, welcome to %{place}!',
name_your_name_is_name: '%{name}, your name is %{name}!',
empty_string: ''
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot({ phrases: phrases });
it('translates a simple string', function () {
it('returns the key if translation not found', function () {
it('interpolates', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('hi_name_welcome_to_place', {
name: 'Spike',
place: 'the webz'
})).to.equal('Hi, Spike, welcome to the webz!');
it('interpolates with missing substitutions', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('hi_name_welcome_to_place', {
place: undefined
})).to.equal('Hi, %{name}, welcome to %{place}!');
it('interpolates the same placeholder multiple times', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('name_your_name_is_name', {
name: 'Spike'
})).to.equal('Spike, your name is Spike!');
it('allows you to supply default values', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('can_i_call_you_name', {
_: 'Can I call you %{name}?',
name: 'Robert'
})).to.equal('Can I call you Robert?');
it('returns the non-interpolated key if not initialized with allowMissing and translation not found', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('Welcome %{name}', {
name: 'Robert'
})).to.equal('Welcome %{name}');
it('returns an interpolated key if initialized with allowMissing and translation not found', function () {
var instance = new Polyglot({ phrases: phrases, allowMissing: true });
expect(instance.t('Welcome %{name}', {
name: 'Robert'
})).to.equal('Welcome Robert');
it('returns the translation even if it is an empty string', function () {
it('returns the default value even if it is an empty string', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('bogus_key', { _: '' })).to.equal('');
it('handles dollar signs in the substitution value', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('hi_name_welcome_to_place', {
name: '$abc $0',
place: '$1 $&'
})).to.equal('Hi, $abc $0, welcome to $1 $&!');
it('supports nested phrase objects', function () {
var nestedPhrases = {
nav: {
presentations: 'Presentations',
hi_user: 'Hi, %{user}.',
cta: {
join_now: 'Join now!'
'header.sign_in': 'Sign In'
var instance = new Polyglot({ phrases: nestedPhrases });
expect(instance.t('nav.hi_user', { user: 'Raph' })).to.equal('Hi, Raph.');
expect(instance.t('nav.cta.join_now')).to.equal('Join now!');
expect(instance.t('header.sign_in')).to.equal('Sign In');
describe('onMissingKey', function () {
it('calls the function when a key is missing', function () {
var expectedKey = 'some key';
var expectedOptions = {};
var expectedLocale = 'oz';
var returnValue = {};
var onMissingKey = function (key, options, locale) {
return returnValue;
var instance = new Polyglot({ onMissingKey: onMissingKey, locale: expectedLocale });
var result = instance.t(expectedKey, expectedOptions);
it('overrides allowMissing', function (done) {
var missingKey = 'missing key';
var onMissingKey = function (key) {
var instance = new Polyglot({ onMissingKey: onMissingKey, allowMissing: true });
describe('pluralize', function () {
var phrases = {
count_name: '%{smart_count} Name |||| %{smart_count} Names'
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot({ phrases: phrases, locale: 'en' });
it('supports pluralization with an integer', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', { smart_count: 0 })).to.equal('0 Names');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', { smart_count: 1 })).to.equal('1 Name');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', { smart_count: 2 })).to.equal('2 Names');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', { smart_count: 3 })).to.equal('3 Names');
it('accepts a number as a shortcut to pluralize a word', function () {
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', 0)).to.equal('0 Names');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', 1)).to.equal('1 Name');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', 2)).to.equal('2 Names');
expect(polyglot.t('count_name', 3)).to.equal('3 Names');
it('ignores a region subtag when choosing a pluralization rule', function () {
var instance = new Polyglot({ phrases: phrases, locale: 'fr-FR' });
// French rule: "0" is singular
expect(instance.t('count_name', 0)).to.equal('0 Name');
describe('locale-specific pluralization rules', function () {
it('pluralizes in Arabic', function () {
// English would be: "1 vote" / "%{smart_count} votes"
var whatSomeoneTranslated = [
'ولا صوت',
'صوت واحد',
'%{smart_count} أصوات',
'%{smart_count} صوت',
'%{smart_count} صوت'
var phrases = {
n_votes: whatSomeoneTranslated.join(' |||| ')
var polyglot = new Polyglot({ phrases: phrases, locale: 'ar' });
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 0)).to.equal('ولا صوت');
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 1)).to.equal('صوت واحد');
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 2)).to.equal('صوتان');
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 3)).to.equal('3 أصوات');
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 11)).to.equal('11 صوت');
expect(polyglot.t('n_votes', 102)).to.equal('102 صوت');
describe('locale', function () {
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot();
it('defaults to "en"', function () {
it('gets and sets locale', function () {
describe('extend', function () {
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot();
it('supports multiple extends, overriding old keys', function () {
polyglot.extend({ aKey: 'First time' });
polyglot.extend({ aKey: 'Second time' });
expect(polyglot.t('aKey')).to.equal('Second time');
it('does not forget old keys', function () {
polyglot.extend({ firstKey: 'Numba one', secondKey: 'Numba two' });
polyglot.extend({ secondKey: 'Numero dos' });
expect(polyglot.t('firstKey')).to.equal('Numba one');
it('supports optional `prefix` argument', function () {
polyglot.extend({ click: 'Click', hover: 'Hover' }, 'sidebar');
it('supports nested object', function () {
sidebar: {
click: 'Click',
hover: 'Hover'
nav: {
header: {
log_in: 'Log In'
expect(polyglot.phrases['nav.header.log_in']).to.equal('Log In');
describe('clear', function () {
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot();
it('wipes out old phrases', function () {
polyglot.extend({ hiFriend: 'Hi, Friend.' });
describe('replace', function () {
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot();
it('wipes out old phrases and replace with new phrases', function () {
polyglot.extend({ hiFriend: 'Hi, Friend.', byeFriend: 'Bye, Friend.' });
polyglot.replace({ hiFriend: 'Hi, Friend.' });
expect(polyglot.t('hiFriend')).to.equal('Hi, Friend.');
describe('unset', function () {
var polyglot;
beforeEach(function () {
polyglot = new Polyglot();
it('unsets a key based on a string', function () {
polyglot.extend({ test_key: 'test_value' });
it('unsets a key based on an object hash', function () {
polyglot.extend({ test_key: 'test_value', foo: 'bar' });
polyglot.unset({ test_key: 'test_value', foo: 'bar' });
it('unsets nested objects using recursive prefix call', function () {
polyglot.extend({ foo: { bar: 'foobar' } });
polyglot.unset({ foo: { bar: 'foobar' } });
describe('transformPhrase', function () {
var simple = '%{name} is %{attribute}';
var english = '%{smart_count} Name |||| %{smart_count} Names';
var arabic = [
'ولا صوت',
'صوت واحد',
'%{smart_count} أصوات',
'%{smart_count} صوت',
'%{smart_count} صوت'
].join(' |||| ');
it('does simple interpolation', function () {
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(simple, { name: 'Polyglot', attribute: 'awesome' })).to.equal('Polyglot is awesome');
it('removes missing keys', function () {
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(simple, { name: 'Polyglot' })).to.equal('Polyglot is %{attribute}');
it('selects the correct plural form based on smart_count', function () {
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 0 }, 'en')).to.equal('0 Names');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 1 }, 'en')).to.equal('1 Name');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 2 }, 'en')).to.equal('2 Names');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 3 }, 'en')).to.equal('3 Names');
it('selects the correct locale', function () {
// French rule: "0" is singular
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 0 }, 'fr')).to.equal('0 Name');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 1 }, 'fr')).to.equal('1 Name');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 2 }, 'fr')).to.equal('2 Names');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 3 }, 'fr')).to.equal('3 Names');
// Arabic has 6 rules
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 0, 'ar')).to.equal('ولا صوت');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 1, 'ar')).to.equal('صوت واحد');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 2, 'ar')).to.equal('صوتان');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 3, 'ar')).to.equal('3 أصوات');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 11, 'ar')).to.equal('11 صوت');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(arabic, 102, 'ar')).to.equal('102 صوت');
it('defaults to `en`', function () {
// French rule: "0" is singular
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 0 })).to.equal('0 Names');
it('ignores a region subtag when choosing a pluralization rule', function () {
// French rule: "0" is singular
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, { smart_count: 0 }, 'fr-FR')).to.equal('0 Name');
it('works without arguments', function () {
it('respects a number as shortcut for smart_count', function () {
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, 0, 'en')).to.equal('0 Names');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, 1, 'en')).to.equal('1 Name');
expect(Polyglot.transformPhrase(english, 5, 'en')).to.equal('5 Names');
it('throws without sane phrase string', function () {
expect(function () { Polyglot.transformPhrase(); }).to.throw(TypeError);
expect(function () { Polyglot.transformPhrase(null); }).to.throw(TypeError);
expect(function () { Polyglot.transformPhrase(32); }).to.throw(TypeError);
expect(function () { Polyglot.transformPhrase({}); }).to.throw(TypeError);