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// @flow
* React Flip Move
* (c) 2016-present Joshua Comeau
* For information on how this code is laid out, check out
/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
import React, {
} from 'react';
import './polyfills';
import propConverter from './prop-converter';
import {
} from './dom-manipulation';
import { arraysEqual } from './helpers';
import type {
} from './typings';
const transitionEnd = whichTransitionEvent();
const noBrowserSupport = !transitionEnd;
function getKey(childData: ChildData): string {
return childData.key || '';
class FlipMove extends Component<void, ConvertedProps, FlipMoveState> {
// Copy props.children into state.
// To understand why this is important (and not an anti-pattern), consider
// how "leave" animations work. An item has "left" when the component
// receives a new set of props that do NOT contain the item.
// If we just render the props as-is, the item would instantly disappear.
// We want to keep the item rendered for a little while, until its animation
// can complete. Because we cannot mutate props, we make `state` the source
// of truth.
state = {
children: Children.toArray(this.props.children).map((element: Element<*>) => ({
appearing: true,
// FlipMove needs to know quite a bit about its children in order to do
// its job. We store these as a property on the instance. We're not using
// state, because we don't want changes to trigger re-renders, we just
// need a place to keep the data for reference, when changes happen.
// This field should not be accessed directly. Instead, use getChildData,
// putChildData, etc...
childrenData: {
/* Populated via callback refs on render. eg
userSpecifiedKey1: {
domNode: <domNode>,
boundingBox: { top, left, right, bottom, width, height },
userSpecifiedKey2: { ... },
[userSpecifiedKey: string]: NodeData,
} = {};
// Similarly, track the dom node and box of our parent element.
parentData: NodeData = {
domNode: null,
boundingBox: null,
// If `maintainContainerHeight` prop is set to true, we'll create a
// placeholder element which occupies space so that the parent height
// doesn't change when items are removed from the document flow (which
// happens during leave animations)
heightPlaceholderData: NodeData = {
domNode: null,
// Keep track of remaining animations so we know when to fire the
// all-finished callback, and clean up after ourselves.
// NOTE: we can't simply use childrenToAnimate.length to track remaining
// animations, because we need to maintain the list of animating children,
// to pass to the `onFinishAll` handler.
remainingAnimations = 0;
childrenToAnimate: Array<string> = [];
componentDidMount() {
// Run our `appearAnimation` if it was requested, right after the
// component mounts.
const shouldTriggerFLIP = (
this.props.appearAnimation &&
if (shouldTriggerFLIP) {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: ConvertedProps) {
// When the component is handed new props, we need to figure out the
// "resting" position of all currently-rendered DOM nodes.
// We store that data in this.parent and this.children,
// so it can be used later to work out the animation.
// Convert opaque children object to array.
const nextChildren: Array<Element<*>> = Children.toArray(nextProps.children);
// Next, we need to update our state, so that it contains our new set of
// children. If animation is disabled or unsupported, this is easy;
// we just copy our props into state.
// Assuming that we can animate, though, we have to do some work.
// Essentially, we want to keep just-deleted nodes in the DOM for a bit
// longer, so that we can animate them away.
children: this.isAnimationDisabled(nextProps)
? => ({ ...element, element }))
: this.calculateNextSetOfChildren(nextChildren),
componentDidUpdate(previousProps: ConvertedProps) {
// If the children have been re-arranged, moved, or added/removed,
// trigger the main FLIP animation.
// IMPORTANT: We need to make sure that the children have actually changed.
// At the end of the transition, we clean up nodes that need to be removed.
// We DON'T want this cleanup to trigger another update.
const oldChildrenKeys: Array<string> = Children.toArray(this.props.children).map(d => d.key);
const nextChildrenKeys: Array<string> =
Children.toArray(previousProps.children).map(d => d.key);
const shouldTriggerFLIP = (
!arraysEqual(oldChildrenKeys, nextChildrenKeys) &&
if (shouldTriggerFLIP) {
runAnimation = () => {
const dynamicChildren = this.state.children.filter(
dynamicChildren.forEach((child, n) => {
this.remainingAnimations += 1;
this.animateChild(child, n);
if (typeof this.props.onStartAll === 'function') {
doesChildNeedToBeAnimated = (child: ChildData) => {
// If the child doesn't have a key, it's an immovable child (one that we
// do not want to do FLIP stuff to.)
if (!getKey(child)) {
return false;
const childData: NodeData = this.getChildData(getKey(child));
const childDomNode = childData.domNode;
const childBoundingBox = childData.boundingBox;
const parentBoundingBox = this.parentData.boundingBox;
if (!childDomNode) {
return false;
const { appearAnimation, enterAnimation, leaveAnimation, getPosition } = this.props;
const isAppearingWithAnimation = child.appearing && appearAnimation;
const isEnteringWithAnimation = child.entering && enterAnimation;
const isLeavingWithAnimation = child.leaving && leaveAnimation;
if (
isAppearingWithAnimation ||
isEnteringWithAnimation ||
) {
return true;
// If it isn't entering/leaving, we want to animate it if it's
// on-screen position has changed.
const [dX, dY] = getPositionDelta({
return dX !== 0 || dY !== 0;
calculateNextSetOfChildren(nextChildren: Array<Element<*>>): Array<ChildData> {
// We want to:
// - Mark all new children as `entering`
// - Pull in previous children that aren't in nextChildren, and mark them
// as `leaving`
// - Preserve the nextChildren list order, with leaving children in their
// appropriate places.
// Start by marking new children as 'entering'
const updatedChildren: Array<ChildData> = => {
const child = this.findChildByKey(nextChild.key || '');
// If the current child did exist, but it was in the midst of leaving,
// we want to treat it as though it's entering
const isEntering = !child || child.leaving;
return { ...nextChild, element: nextChild, entering: isEntering };
// This is tricky. We want to keep the nextChildren's ordering, but with
// any just-removed items maintaining their original position.
// eg.
// this.state.children = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
// nextChildren = [ 3, 1 ]
// In this example, we've removed the '2' & '4'
// We want to end up with: [ 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
// To accomplish that, we'll iterate through this.state.children. whenever
// we find a match, we'll append our `leaving` flag to it, and insert it
// into the nextChildren in its ORIGINAL position. Note that, as we keep
// inserting old items into the new list, the "original" position will
// keep incrementing.
let numOfChildrenLeaving = 0;
this.state.children.forEach((child: ChildData, index) => {
const isLeaving = !nextChildren.find(({ key }) => key === getKey(child));
// If the child isn't leaving (or, if there is no leave animation),
// we don't need to add it into the state children.
if (!isLeaving || !this.props.leaveAnimation) return;
const nextChild: ChildData = { ...child, leaving: true };
const nextChildIndex = index + numOfChildrenLeaving;
updatedChildren.splice(nextChildIndex, 0, nextChild);
numOfChildrenLeaving += 1;
return updatedChildren;
prepForAnimation() {
// Our animation prep consists of:
// - remove children that are leaving from the DOM flow, so that the new
// layout can be accurately calculated,
// - update the placeholder container height, if needed, to ensure that
// the parent's height doesn't collapse.
const {
} = this.props;
// we need to make all leaving nodes "invisible" to the layout calculations
// that will take place in the next step (this.runAnimation).
if (leaveAnimation) {
const leavingChildren = this.state.children.filter(child => (
leavingChildren.forEach((leavingChild) => {
const childData = this.getChildData(getKey(leavingChild));
// We need to take the items out of the "flow" of the document, so that
// its siblings can move to take its place.
if (childData.boundingBox) {
removeNodeFromDOMFlow(childData, this.props.verticalAlignment);
if (maintainContainerHeight && this.heightPlaceholderData.domNode) {
domNode: this.heightPlaceholderData.domNode,
parentData: this.parentData,
// For all children not in the middle of entering or leaving,
// we need to reset the transition, so that the NEW shuffle starts from
// the right place.
this.state.children.forEach((child) => {
const { domNode } = this.getChildData(getKey(child));
// Ignore children that don't render DOM nodes (eg. by returning null)
if (!domNode) {
if (!child.entering && !child.leaving) {
styles: {
transition: '',
animateChild(child: ChildData, index: number) {
const { domNode } = this.getChildData(getKey(child));
if (!domNode) {
// Apply the relevant style for this DOM node
// This is the offset from its actual DOM position.
// eg. if an item has been re-rendered 20px lower, we want to apply a
// style of 'transform: translate(-20px)', so that it appears to be where
// it started.
// In FLIP terminology, this is the 'Invert' stage.
styles: this.computeInitialStyles(child),
// Start by invoking the onStart callback for this child.
if (this.props.onStart) this.props.onStart(child, domNode);
// Next, animate the item from it's artificially-offset position to its
// new, natural position.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// NOTE, RE: the double-requestAnimationFrame:
// Sadly, this is the most browser-compatible way to do this I've found.
// Essentially we need to set the initial styles outside of any request
// callbacks to avoid batching them. Then, a frame needs to pass with
// the styles above rendered. Then, on the second frame, we can apply
// our final styles to perform the animation.
// Our first order of business is to "undo" the styles applied in the
// previous frames, while also adding a `transition` property.
// This way, the item will smoothly transition from its old position
// to its new position.
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/require-variable-type
let styles = {
transition: createTransitionString(index, this.props),
transform: '',
opacity: '',
if (child.appearing && this.props.appearAnimation) {
styles = {
} else if (child.entering && this.props.enterAnimation) {
styles = {
} else if (child.leaving && this.props.leaveAnimation) {
styles = {
// In FLIP terminology, this is the 'Play' stage.
applyStylesToDOMNode({ domNode, styles });
bindTransitionEndHandler(child: ChildData) {
const { domNode } = this.getChildData(getKey(child));
if (!domNode) {
// The onFinish callback needs to be bound to the transitionEnd event.
// We also need to unbind it when the transition completes, so this ugly
// inline function is required (we need it here so it closes over
// dependent variables `child` and `domNode`)
const transitionEndHandler = (ev: Event) => {
// It's possible that this handler is fired not on our primary transition,
// but on a nested transition (eg. a hover effect). Ignore these cases.
if ( !== domNode) return;
// Remove the 'transition' inline style we added. This is cleanup. = '';
// Trigger any applicable onFinish/onFinishAll hooks
this.triggerFinishHooks(child, domNode);
domNode.removeEventListener(transitionEnd, transitionEndHandler);
if (child.leaving) {
domNode.addEventListener(transitionEnd, transitionEndHandler);
triggerFinishHooks(child: ChildData, domNode: HTMLElement) {
if (this.props.onFinish) this.props.onFinish(child, domNode);
// Reduce the number of children we need to animate by 1,
// so that we can tell when all children have finished.
this.remainingAnimations -= 1;
if (this.remainingAnimations === 0) {
// Remove any items from the DOM that have left, and reset `entering`.
const nextChildren: Array<ChildData> = this.state.children
.filter(({ leaving }) => !leaving)
.map(item => ({
appearing: false,
entering: false,
this.setState({ children: nextChildren }, () => {
if (typeof this.props.onFinishAll === 'function') {
// Reset our variables for the next iteration
this.childrenToAnimate = [];
// If the placeholder was holding the container open while elements were
// leaving, we we can now set its height to zero.
if (this.heightPlaceholderData.domNode) { = '0';
callChildrenHook(hook: ChildrenHook) {
const elements: Array<ElementShape> = [];
const domNodes: Array<?HTMLElement> = [];
this.childrenToAnimate.forEach((childKey) => {
// If this was an exit animation, the child may no longer exist.
// If so, skip it.
const child = this.findChildByKey(childKey);
if (!child) {
if (this.hasChildData(childKey)) {
hook(elements, domNodes);
updateBoundingBoxCaches() {
// This is the ONLY place that parentData and childrenData's
// bounding boxes are updated. They will be calculated at other times
// to be compared to this value, but it's important that the cache is
// updated once per update.
const parentDomNode = this.parentData.domNode;
if (!parentDomNode) {
this.parentData.boundingBox = this.props.getPosition(
this.state.children.forEach((child) => {
const childKey = getKey(child);
// It is possible that a child does not have a `key` property;
// Ignore these children, they don't need to be moved.
if (!childKey) {
// In very rare circumstances, for reasons unknown, the ref is never
// populated for certain children. In this case, avoid doing this update.
// see:
if (!this.hasChildData(childKey)) {
const childData = this.getChildData(childKey);
// If the child element returns null, we need to avoid trying to
// account for it
if (!childData.domNode || !child) {
this.setChildData(childKey, {
boundingBox: getRelativeBoundingBox({
childDomNode: childData.domNode,
getPosition: this.props.getPosition,
computeInitialStyles(child: ChildData): Styles {
if (child.appearing) {
return this.props.appearAnimation
? this.props.appearAnimation.from
: {};
} else if (child.entering) {
if (!this.props.enterAnimation) {
return {};
// If this child was in the middle of leaving, it still has its
// absolute positioning styles applied. We need to undo those.
return {
position: '',
top: '',
left: '',
right: '',
bottom: '',
} else if (child.leaving) {
return this.props.leaveAnimation
? this.props.leaveAnimation.from
: {};
const childData = this.getChildData(getKey(child));
const childDomNode = childData.domNode;
const childBoundingBox = childData.boundingBox;
const parentBoundingBox = this.parentData.boundingBox;
if (!childDomNode) {
return {};
const [dX, dY] = getPositionDelta({
getPosition: this.props.getPosition,
return {
transform: `translate(${dX}px, ${dY}px)`,
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
isAnimationDisabled(props: ConvertedProps): boolean {
// If the component is explicitly passed a `disableAllAnimations` flag,
// we can skip this whole process. Similarly, if all of the numbers have
// been set to 0, there is no point in trying to animate; doing so would
// only cause a flicker (and the intent is probably to disable animations)
// We can also skip this rigamarole if there's no browser support for it.
return (
noBrowserSupport ||
props.disableAllAnimations ||
props.duration === 0 &&
props.delay === 0 &&
props.staggerDurationBy === 0 &&
props.staggerDelayBy === 0
findChildByKey(key: string): ?ChildData {
return this.state.children.find(child => getKey(child) === key);
hasChildData(key: string): boolean {
// Object has some built-in properties on its prototype, such as toString. hasOwnProperty makes
// sure that key is present on childrenData itself, not on its prototype.
return, key);
getChildData(key: string): NodeData {
return this.hasChildData(key) ? this.childrenData[key] : {};
setChildData(key: string, data: NodeData): void {
this.childrenData[key] = { ...this.getChildData(key), };
removeChildData(key: string): void {
delete this.childrenData[key];
createHeightPlaceholder(): Element<*> {
const { typeName } = this.props;
// If requested, create an invisible element at the end of the list.
// Its height will be modified to prevent the container from collapsing
// prematurely.
const isContainerAList = typeName === 'ul' || typeName === 'ol';
const placeholderType = isContainerAList ? 'li' : 'div';
return React.createElement(
key: 'height-placeholder',
ref: (domNode: ?HTMLElement) => { this.heightPlaceholderData.domNode = domNode; },
style: { visibility: 'hidden', height: 0 },
childrenWithRefs(): Array<Element<*>> {
// We need to clone the provided children, capturing a reference to the
// underlying DOM node. Flip Move needs to use the React escape hatches to
// be able to do its calculations.
return => (
React.cloneElement(child.element, {
ref: (element: HTMLElement | Component<*, *, *>) => {
// Stateless Functional Components are not supported by FlipMove,
// because they don't have instances.
if (!element) {
const domNode: ?HTMLElement = getNativeNode(element);
this.setChildData(getKey(child), { domNode });
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
const props: DelegatedProps = {
ref: (node: ?HTMLElement) => { this.parentData.domNode = node; },
const children = this.childrenWithRefs();
if (leaveAnimation && maintainContainerHeight) {
return React.createElement(
export default propConverter(FlipMove);