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var HAS_WEAK_MAP_SUPPORT = typeof WeakMap === 'function';
var keys = Object.keys;
* are the values passed strictly equal or both NaN
* @param a the value to compare against
* @param b the value to test
* @returns are the values equal by the SameValueZero principle
function sameValueZeroEqual(a, b) {
return a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);
* is the value a plain object
* @param value the value to test
* @returns is the value a plain object
function isPlainObject(value) {
return value.constructor === Object || value.constructor == null;
* is the value promise-like (meaning it is thenable)
* @param value the value to test
* @returns is the value promise-like
function isPromiseLike(value) {
return !!value && typeof value.then === 'function';
* is the value passed a react element
* @param value the value to test
* @returns is the value a react element
function isReactElement(value) {
return !!(value && value.$$typeof);
* in cases where WeakMap is not supported, creates a new custom
* object that mimics the necessary API aspects for cache purposes
* @returns the new cache object
function getNewCacheFallback() {
var entries = [];
return {
delete: function (key) {
for (var index = 0; index < entries.length; ++index) {
if (entries[index][0] === key) {
entries.splice(index, 1);
get: function (key) {
for (var index = 0; index < entries.length; ++index) {
if (entries[index][0] === key) {
return entries[index][1];
set: function (key, value) {
for (var index = 0; index < entries.length; ++index) {
if (entries[index][0] === key) {
entries[index][1] = value;
entries.push([key, value]);
* get a new cache object to prevent circular references
* @returns the new cache object
var getNewCache = (function (canUseWeakMap) {
if (canUseWeakMap) {
return function _getNewCache() {
return new WeakMap();
return getNewCacheFallback;
* create a custom isEqual handler specific to circular objects
* @param [isEqual] the isEqual comparator to use instead of isDeepEqual
* @returns the method to create the `isEqual` function
function createCircularEqualCreator(isEqual) {
return function createCircularEqual(comparator) {
var _comparator = isEqual || comparator;
return function circularEqual(a, b, indexOrKeyA, indexOrKeyB, parentA, parentB, cache) {
if (cache === void 0) { cache = getNewCache(); }
var isCacheableA = !!a && typeof a === 'object';
var isCacheableB = !!b && typeof b === 'object';
if (isCacheableA !== isCacheableB) {
return false;
if (!isCacheableA && !isCacheableB) {
return _comparator(a, b, cache);
var cachedA = cache.get(a);
if (cachedA && cache.get(b)) {
return cachedA === b;
cache.set(a, b);
cache.set(b, a);
var result = _comparator(a, b, cache);
return result;
* are the arrays equal in value
* @param a the array to test
* @param b the array to test against
* @param isEqual the comparator to determine equality
* @param meta the meta object to pass through
* @returns are the arrays equal
function areArraysEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta) {
var index = a.length;
if (b.length !== index) {
return false;
while (index-- > 0) {
if (!isEqual(a[index], b[index], index, index, a, b, meta)) {
return false;
return true;
* are the maps equal in value
* @param a the map to test
* @param b the map to test against
* @param isEqual the comparator to determine equality
* @param meta the meta map to pass through
* @returns are the maps equal
function areMapsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta) {
var isValueEqual = a.size === b.size;
if (isValueEqual && a.size) {
var matchedIndices_1 = {};
var indexA_1 = 0;
a.forEach(function (aValue, aKey) {
if (isValueEqual) {
var hasMatch_1 = false;
var matchIndexB_1 = 0;
b.forEach(function (bValue, bKey) {
if (!hasMatch_1 && !matchedIndices_1[matchIndexB_1]) {
hasMatch_1 =
isEqual(aKey, bKey, indexA_1, matchIndexB_1, a, b, meta) &&
isEqual(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, meta);
if (hasMatch_1) {
matchedIndices_1[matchIndexB_1] = true;
isValueEqual = hasMatch_1;
return isValueEqual;
var OWNER = '_owner';
var hasOwnProperty =, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
* are the objects equal in value
* @param a the object to test
* @param b the object to test against
* @param isEqual the comparator to determine equality
* @param meta the meta object to pass through
* @returns are the objects equal
function areObjectsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta) {
var keysA = keys(a);
var index = keysA.length;
if (keys(b).length !== index) {
return false;
if (index) {
var key = void 0;
while (index-- > 0) {
key = keysA[index];
if (key === OWNER) {
var reactElementA = isReactElement(a);
var reactElementB = isReactElement(b);
if ((reactElementA || reactElementB) &&
reactElementA !== reactElementB) {
return false;
if (!hasOwnProperty(b, key) ||
!isEqual(a[key], b[key], key, key, a, b, meta)) {
return false;
return true;
* are the regExps equal in value
* @param a the regExp to test
* @param b the regExp to test agains
* @returns are the regExps equal
var areRegExpsEqual = (function () {
if (/foo/g.flags === 'g') {
return function areRegExpsEqual(a, b) {
return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;
return function areRegExpsEqualFallback(a, b) {
return (a.source === b.source && === &&
a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
a.multiline === b.multiline &&
a.unicode === b.unicode &&
a.sticky === b.sticky &&
a.lastIndex === b.lastIndex);
* are the sets equal in value
* @param a the set to test
* @param b the set to test against
* @param isEqual the comparator to determine equality
* @param meta the meta set to pass through
* @returns are the sets equal
function areSetsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta) {
var isValueEqual = a.size === b.size;
if (isValueEqual && a.size) {
var matchedIndices_2 = {};
a.forEach(function (aValue, aKey) {
if (isValueEqual) {
var hasMatch_2 = false;
var matchIndex_1 = 0;
b.forEach(function (bValue, bKey) {
if (!hasMatch_2 && !matchedIndices_2[matchIndex_1]) {
hasMatch_2 = isEqual(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, meta);
if (hasMatch_2) {
matchedIndices_2[matchIndex_1] = true;
isValueEqual = hasMatch_2;
return isValueEqual;
var HAS_MAP_SUPPORT = typeof Map === 'function';
var HAS_SET_SUPPORT = typeof Set === 'function';
var valueOf = Object.prototype.valueOf;
function createComparator(createIsEqual) {
var isEqual =
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
typeof createIsEqual === 'function'
? createIsEqual(comparator)
: function (a, b, indexOrKeyA, indexOrKeyB, parentA, parentB, meta) { return comparator(a, b, meta); };
/* eslint-enable */
* compare the value of the two objects and return true if they are equivalent in values
* @param a the value to test against
* @param b the value to test
* @param [meta] an optional meta object that is passed through to all equality test calls
* @returns are a and b equivalent in value
function comparator(a, b, meta) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
if (isPlainObject(a) && isPlainObject(b)) {
return areObjectsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta);
var aShape = Array.isArray(a);
var bShape = Array.isArray(b);
if (aShape || bShape) {
return aShape === bShape && areArraysEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta);
aShape = a instanceof Date;
bShape = b instanceof Date;
if (aShape || bShape) {
return (aShape === bShape && sameValueZeroEqual(a.getTime(), b.getTime()));
aShape = a instanceof RegExp;
bShape = b instanceof RegExp;
if (aShape || bShape) {
return aShape === bShape && areRegExpsEqual(a, b);
if (isPromiseLike(a) || isPromiseLike(b)) {
return a === b;
aShape = a instanceof Map;
bShape = b instanceof Map;
if (aShape || bShape) {
return aShape === bShape && areMapsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta);
aShape = a instanceof Set;
bShape = b instanceof Set;
if (aShape || bShape) {
return aShape === bShape && areSetsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta);
if (a.valueOf !== valueOf || b.valueOf !== valueOf) {
return sameValueZeroEqual(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf());
return areObjectsEqual(a, b, isEqual, meta);
return a !== a && b !== b;
return comparator;
var deepEqual = createComparator();
var shallowEqual = createComparator(function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; });
var circularDeepEqual = createComparator(createCircularEqualCreator());
var circularShallowEqual = createComparator(createCircularEqualCreator(sameValueZeroEqual));
export { circularDeepEqual, circularShallowEqual, createComparator as createCustomEqual, deepEqual, sameValueZeroEqual, shallowEqual };