var update = require('./'); var expect = require('expect'); describe('update', function() { describe('default export', function() { it('should equal update', function() { expect(update.default).toEqual(update); }); }); describe('$push', function() { it('pushes', function() { expect(update([1], {$push: [7]})).toEqual([1, 7]); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = [1]; update(obj, {$push: [7]}); expect(obj).toEqual([1]); }); it('only pushes an array', function() { expect(update.bind(null, [], {$push: 7})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $push to be an array; got 7. Did you ' + 'forget to wrap your parameter in an array?' ); }); it('only pushes unto an array', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 1, {$push: 7})).toThrow( 'update(): expected target of $push to be an array; got 1.' ); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = ['x']; expect(update(original, {$push: []})).toBe(original) }); }); describe('$unshift', function() { it('unshifts', function() { expect(update([1], {$unshift: [7]})).toEqual([7, 1]); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = [1]; update(obj, {$unshift: [7]}); expect(obj).toEqual([1]); }); it('only unshifts an array', function() { expect(update.bind(null, [], {$unshift: 7})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $unshift to be an array; got 7. Did you ' + 'forget to wrap your parameter in an array?' ); }); it('only unshifts unto an array', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 1, {$unshift: 7})).toThrow( 'update(): expected target of $unshift to be an array; got 1.' ); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = ['x']; expect(update(original, {$unshift: []})).toBe(original) }); }); describe('$splice', function() { it('splices', function() { expect(update([1, 4, 3], {$splice: [[1, 1, 2]]})).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = [1, 4, 3]; update(obj, {$splice: [[1, 1, 2]]}); expect(obj).toEqual([1, 4, 3]); }); it('only splices an array of arrays', function() { expect(update.bind(null, [], {$splice: 1})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $splice to be an array of arrays; got 1. ' + 'Did you forget to wrap your parameters in an array?' ); expect(update.bind(null, [], {$splice: [1]})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $splice to be an array of arrays; got 1. ' + 'Did you forget to wrap your parameters in an array?' ); }); it('only splices unto an array', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 1, {$splice: 7})).toThrow( 'Expected $splice target to be an array; got 1' ); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = ['x']; expect(update(original, {$splice: [[]]})).toBe(original) }); }); describe('$merge', function() { it('merges', function() { expect(update({a: 'b'}, {$merge: {c: 'd'}})).toEqual({a: 'b', c: 'd'}); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = {a: 'b'}; update(obj, {$merge: {c: 'd'}}); expect(obj).toEqual({a: 'b'}); }); it('only merges with an object', function() { expect(update.bind(null, {}, {$merge: 7})).toThrow( 'update(): $merge expects a spec of type \'object\'; got 7' ); }); it('only merges with an object', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 7, {$merge: {a: 'b'}})).toThrow( 'update(): $merge expects a target of type \'object\'; got 7' ); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: {b: {c: true}}}; expect(update(original, {a: {$merge: {}}})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: {$merge: { b: original.a.b }}})).toBe(original); // Merging primatives of the same value should return the original. expect(update(original, {a: {b: { $merge: {c: true} }}})).toBe(original); // Two objects are different values even though they are deeply equal. expect(update(original, {a: {$merge: { b: {c: true} }}})).toNotBe(original); expect(update(original, { a: {$merge: { b: original.a.b, c: false }} })).toNotBe(original); }); }); describe('$set', function() { it('sets', function() { expect(update({a: 'b'}, {$set: {c: 'd'}})).toEqual({c: 'd'}); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = {a: 'b'}; update(obj, {$set: {c: 'd'}}); expect(obj).toEqual({a: 'b'}); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: 1}; expect(update(original, {a: {$set: 1}})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: {$set: 2}})).toNotBe(original); }); it('setting a property to undefined should add an enumerable key to final object with value undefined', function() { var original = {a: 1}; var result = update(original, {b: {$set: undefined}}); expect(result).toNotBe(original); expect(result).toEqual({a: 1, b: undefined}); expect(Object.keys(result).length).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('$toggle', function() { it('only takes an array as spec', function() { expect(update.bind(null, {a: false}, {$toggle: 'a'})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $toggle to be an array; got a. Did you ' + 'forget to wrap your parameter in an array?' ); }); it('toggles false to true and true to false', function() { expect(update({a: false, b: true}, {$toggle: ['a', 'b']})).toEqual({a: true, b: false}); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = {a: false}; update(obj, {$toggle: ['a']}); expect(obj).toEqual({a: false}); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: false}; expect(update(original, {$toggle: []})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {$toggle: ['a']})).toNotBe(original); }); }); describe('$unset', function() { it('unsets', function() { expect(update({a: 'b'}, {$unset: ['a']}).a).toBe(undefined); }); it('removes the key from the object', function() { var removed = update({a: 'b'}, {$unset: ['a']}); expect('a' in removed).toBe(false); }); it('removes multiple keys from the object', function() { var original = {a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f'}; var removed = update(original, {$unset: ['a', 'e']}); expect('a' in removed).toBe(false); expect('a' in original).toBe(true); expect('e' in removed).toBe(false); expect('e' in original).toBe(true); }); it('does not remove keys from the inherited properties', function() { function Parent() { = 'Parent'; } function Child() {} Child.prototype = new Parent() var child = new Child(); expect(update(child, {$unset: ['foo']}).foo).toEqual('Parent'); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: 1}; expect(update(original, {$unset: ['b']})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {$unset: ['a']})).toNotBe(original); }); }); describe('$add', function() { it('works on Map', function() { var state = new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4]]); var state2 = update(state, {$add: [[5, 6]]}); expect(state2.get(1)).toEqual(2); expect(state2.get(5)).toEqual(6); }); it('works on Set', function() { var state = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]); var state2 = update(state, {$add: [5, 6]}); expect(state2.has(1)).toBe(true); expect(state2.has(5)).toBe(true); }); it('throws on a non Map or Set', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 2, {$add: [1]})).toThrow( 'update(): $add expects a target of type Set or Map; got Number' ); }) }); describe('$remove', function() { it('works on Map', function() { var state = new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]); var state2 = update(state, {$remove: [1, 5]}); expect(state2.has(1)).toBe(false); expect(state2.has(3)).toBe(true); expect(state2.get(3)).toBe(4); expect(state2.has(6)).toBe(false); }); it('works on Set', function() { var state = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]); var state2 = update(state, {$remove: [2, 3]}); expect(state2.has(1)).toBe(true); expect(state2.has(2)).toBe(false); }); it('throws on a non Map or Set', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 2, {$remove: [1]})).toThrow( 'update(): $remove expects a target of type Set or Map; got Number' ); }) }); describe('$apply', function() { var applier = function(node) { return {v: node.v * 2}; }; it('applies', function() { expect(update({v: 2}, {$apply: applier})).toEqual({v: 4}); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = {v: 2}; update(obj, {$apply: applier}); expect(obj).toEqual({v: 2}); }); it('only applies a function', function() { expect(update.bind(null, 2, {$apply: 123})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $apply to be a function; got 123.' ); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: {b: {}}}; function identity(val) { return val; } expect(update(original, {a: {$apply: identity}})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: {$apply: applier}})).toNotBe(original); }); }); describe('direct apply', function() { var applier = function(node) { return {v: node.v * 2}; }; it('applies', function() { var doubler = function(value) { return value * 2; }; expect(update({v: 2}, applier)).toEqual({v: 4}); expect(update(2, doubler)).toEqual(4); }); it('does not mutate the original object', function() { var obj = {v: 2}; update(obj, applier); expect(obj).toEqual({v: 2}); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: {b: {}}}; function identity(val) { return val; } expect(update(original, {a: identity})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: applier})).toNotBe(original); }); }); describe('deep update', function() { it('works', function() { expect(update({ a: 'b', c: { d: 'e', f: [1], g: [2], h: [3], i: {j: 'k'}, l: 4, m: 'n', }, }, { c: { d: {$set: 'm'}, f: {$push: [5]}, g: {$unshift: [6]}, h: {$splice: [[0, 1, 7]]}, i: {$merge: {n: 'o'}}, l: {$apply: function(x) { return x * 2 }}, m: function(x) { return x + x }, }, })).toEqual({ a: 'b', c: { d: 'm', f: [1, 5], g: [6, 2], h: [7], i: {j: 'k', n: 'o'}, l: 8, m: 'nn', }, }); }); it('keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = {a: {b: 1}, c: {d: {e: 1}}}; expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 1}}})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 1}}}).a).toBe(original.a); expect(update(original, {c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}})).toBe(original); expect(update(original, {c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}}).c).toBe(original.c); expect(update(original, {c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}}).c.d).toBe(original.c.d); expect(update(original, { a: {b: {$set: 1}}, c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}, })).toBe(original); expect(update(original, { a: {b: {$set: 1}}, c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}, }).a).toBe(original.a); expect(update(original, { a: {b: {$set: 1}}, c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}, }).c).toBe(original.c); expect(update(original, { a: {b: {$set: 1}}, c: {d: {e: {$set: 1}}}, }).c.d).toBe(original.c.d); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 2}}})).toNotBe(original); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 2}}}).a).toNotBe(original.a); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 2}}}).a.b).toNotBe(original.a.b); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 2}}}).c).toBe(original.c); expect(update(original, {a: {b: {$set: 2}}}).c.d).toBe(original.c.d); }); }); it('should accept array spec to modify arrays', function() { var original = {value: [{a: 0}]}; var modified = update(original, {value: [{a: {$set: 1}}]}); expect(modified).toEqual({value: [{a: 1}]}); }); it('should accept object spec to modify arrays', function() { var original = {value: [{a: 0}]}; var modified = update(original, {value: {'0': {a: {$set: 1}}}}); expect(modified).toEqual({value: [{a: 1}]}); }); it('should reject arrays except as values of specific commands', function() { var specs = [ [], {a: []}, {a: {$set: []}, b: [[]]}, ]; specs.forEach(function(spec) { expect(update.bind(null, {a: 'b'}, spec)).toThrow( 'update(): You provided an invalid spec to update(). The spec ' + 'may not contain an array except as the value of $set, $push, ' + '$unshift, $splice or any custom command allowing an array value.' ); }); }); it('should reject non arrays from $unset', function() { expect(update.bind(null, {a: 'b'}, {$unset: 'a'})).toThrow( 'update(): expected spec of $unset to be an array; got a. ' + 'Did you forget to wrap your parameter in an array?' ); }); it('should require a plain object spec containing command(s)', function() { var specs = [ null, false, {a: 'c'}, {a: {b: 'c'}}, ]; specs.forEach(function(spec) { expect(update.bind(null, {a: 'b'}, spec)).toThrow( 'update(): You provided an invalid spec to update(). The spec ' + 'and every included key path must be plain objects containing one ' + 'of the following commands: $push, $unshift, $splice, $set, $toggle, $unset, ' + '$add, $remove, $merge, $apply.' ); }); }); it('should perform safe hasOwnProperty check', function() { expect(update({}, {'hasOwnProperty': {$set: 'a'}})).toEqual({ 'hasOwnProperty': 'a', }); }); }); describe('update', function() { var myUpdate; beforeEach(function() { myUpdate = update.newContext(); }); describe('can extend functionality', function() { it('allows adding new directives', function() { myUpdate.extend('$addtax', function(tax, original) { return original + (tax * original); }); expect(myUpdate(5, {$addtax: 0.10})).toEqual(5.5); }); it('gets the original object (so be careful about mutations)', function() { var obj = {}; var passedOriginal; myUpdate.extend('$foobar', function(prop, original) { passedOriginal = original; }); myUpdate(obj, {$foobar: null}); expect(obj).toBe(passedOriginal); }); it("doesn't touch the original update", function() { myUpdate.extend('$addtax', function(tax, original) { return original + (tax * original); }); expect( update.bind(null, {$addtax: 0.10}, {$addtax: 0.10})).toThrow(); expect(myUpdate.bind(null, {$addtax: 0.10}, {$addtax: 0.10})).toNotThrow(); }); it('can handle nibling directives', function() { var obj = {a: [1, 2, 3], b: "me"}; var spec = { a: {$splice: [[0, 2]]}, $merge: {b: "you"}, }; expect(update(obj, spec)).toEqual({"a":[3],"b":"you"}); }); }); if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol('TEST').toString() === 'Symbol(TEST)') { describe('works with symbols', function() { it('in the source object', function() { var obj = {a: 1}; obj[Symbol.for('b')] = 2; expect(update(obj, {c: {$set: 3}})[Symbol.for('b')]).toEqual(2); }); it('in the spec object', function() { var obj = {a: 1}; obj[Symbol.for('b')] = 2; var spec = {}; spec[Symbol.for('b')] = {$set: 2}; expect(update(obj, spec)[Symbol.for('b')]).toEqual(2); }); it('in the $merge command', function() { var obj = {a: 1}; obj[Symbol.for('b')] = {c: 3}; obj[Symbol.for('d')] = 4; var spec = {}; spec[Symbol.for('b')] = { $merge: {} }; spec[Symbol.for('b')].$merge[Symbol.for('e')] = 5; var updated = update(obj, spec); expect(updated[Symbol.for('b')][Symbol.for('e')]).toEqual(5); expect(updated[Symbol.for('d')]).toEqual(4); }); }); } it('supports objects without prototypes', function() { var obj = Object.create(null); expect(update.bind(null, obj, {$merge: {a: 'b'}})).toNotThrow() }); it('supports objects with prototypes', function() { var proto = { a: 'Proto' }; var obj = Object.create(proto); expect(update(obj, { $merge: { b: 'Obj' } }).a).toEqual('Proto'); }); it('supports an escape hatch for isEquals', function() { myUpdate.isEquals = function(a, b) { return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b); } var a = {b: {c: {d: [4, 5]}}}; var b = myUpdate(a, {b: {c: {d: {$set: [4, 5]}}}}); var c = myUpdate(a, {b: {$set: {c: {d: [4, 5]}}}}); var d = myUpdate(a, {$set: {b: {c: {d: [4, 5]}}}}); expect(a).toBe(b) expect(a).toBe(c) expect(a).toBe(d) }); it('supports an escape hatch for isEqual for shallow direct apply', function() { myUpdate.isEquals = function(a, b) { return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b); }; var a = { b: 1 }; var b = myUpdate(a, function() { return { b: 1 }; }); expect(a).toBe(b); }); it('does not lose non integer keys of an array', function() { var state = a = { items: [ { name: 'Superman', strength: 1000 }, { name: 'Jim', strength: 2 }, ] }; = 0 var state2 = update(state, { items: { 1: { strength: { $set: 3 } } } }); expect( }); it('supports Maps', function() { var state = new Map([ ['mapKey', 'mapValue'] ]); var updatedState = update(state, { ['mapKey']: {$set: 'updatedMapValue' } }); expect(updatedState).toEqual( new Map([ ['mapKey', 'updatedMapValue'] ]) ); }); it('supports nested objects inside Maps', function () { var state = new Map([ ['mapKey', { banana: 'yellow', apple: ['red'], blueberry: 'purple' }] ]); var updatedState = update(state, { ['mapKey']: { apple: { $set: ['green', 'red'] } } }); expect(updatedState).toEqual( new Map([ [ 'mapKey', { banana: 'yellow', apple: ['green', 'red'], blueberry: 'purple' } ] ]) ); }); it('supports Maps and keeps reference equality when possible', function() { var original = new Map([['a', { b: 1 }]]); expect(update(original, { a: { $merge: {} } })).toBe(original); expect(update(original, { a: { $merge: { c: 2 } } })).toNotBe(original); }); });