# Main menu navigation (導航目錄) # see https://butterfly.js.org/posts/4aa8abbe/#導航菜單 # -------------------------------------- menu: # Home: / || fas fa-home # Archives: /archives/ || fas fa-archive # Tags: /tags/ || fas fa-tags # Categories: /categories/ || fas fa-folder-open # List||fas fa-list: # Music: /music/ || fas fa-music # Movie: /movies/ || fas fa-video # Link: /link/ || fas fa-link # About: /about/ || fas fa-heart # Code Blocks (代碼相關) # -------------------------------------- highlight_theme: light # darker / pale night / light / ocean / mac / mac light / false highlight_copy: true # copy button highlight_lang: true # show the code language highlight_shrink: false # true: shrink the code blocks / false: expand the code blocks | none: expand code blocks and hide the button highlight_height_limit: false # unit: px code_word_wrap: false # copy settings # copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (複製的內容後面加上版權信息) copy: enable: true copyright: enable: false limit_count: 50 # social settings (社交圖標設置) # formal: # icon: link || the description social: # fab fa-github: https://github.com/xxxxx || Github # fas fa-envelope: mailto:xxxxxx@gmail.com || Email # search (搜索) # see https://butterfly.js.org/posts/ceeb73f/#搜索系統 # -------------------------------------- # Algolia search algolia_search: enable: false hits: per_page: 6 # Local search local_search: enable: false preload: false CDN: # Math (數學) # -------------------------------------- # About the per_page # if you set it to true, it will load mathjax/katex script in each page (true 表示每一頁都加載js) # if you set it to false, it will load mathjax/katex script according to your setting (add the 'mathjax: true' in page's front-matter) # (false 需要時加載,須在使用的 Markdown Front-matter 加上 mathjax: true) # MathJax mathjax: enable: false per_page: false # KaTeX katex: enable: false per_page: false hide_scrollbar: true # Image (圖片設置) # -------------------------------------- # Favicon(網站圖標) favicon: /img/favicon.png # Avatar (頭像) avatar: img: https://i.loli.net/2021/02/24/5O1day2nriDzjSu.png effect: false # Disable all banner image disable_top_img: false # The banner image of home page index_img: # If the banner of page not setting, it will show the top_img default_top_img: # The banner image of archive page archive_img: # If the banner of tag page not setting, it will show the top_img # note: tag page, not tags page (子標籤頁面的 top_img) tag_img: # The banner image of tag page # format: # - tag name: xxxxx tag_per_img: # If the banner of category page not setting, it will show the top_img # note: category page, not categories page (子分類頁面的 top_img) category_img: # The banner image of category page # format: # - category name: xxxxx category_per_img: cover: # display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面) index_enable: true aside_enable: true archives_enable: true # the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置) # left/right/both position: both # When cover is not set, the default cover is displayed (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示) default_cover: # - https://i.loli.net/2020/05/01/gkihqEjXxJ5UZ1C.jpg # Replace Broken Images (替換無法顯示的圖片) error_img: flink: /img/friend_404.gif post_page: /img/404.jpg # A simple 404 page error_404: enable: false subtitle: 'Page Not Found' background: https://i.loli.net/2020/05/19/aKOcLiyPl2JQdFD.png post_meta: page: # Home Page date_type: created # created or updated or both 主頁文章日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示分類 tags: false # true or false 主頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字 post: date_type: both # created or updated or both 文章頁日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示分類 tags: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字 # wordcount (字數統計) # see https://butterfly.js.org/posts/ceeb73f/#字數統計 wordcount: enable: false post_wordcount: true min2read: true total_wordcount: true # Display the article introduction on homepage # 1: description # 2: both (if the description exists, it will show description, or show the auto_excerpt) # 3: auto_excerpt (default) # false: do not show the article introduction index_post_content: method: 3 length: 500 # if you set method to 2 or 3, the length need to config # anchor # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id. anchor: false # Post # -------------------------------------- # toc (目錄) toc: post: true page: false number: true expand: false style_simple: false # for post post_copyright: enable: true decode: false author_href: license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ # Sponsor/reward reward: enable: false QR_code: # - img: /img/wechat.jpg # link: # text: wechat # - img: /img/alipay.jpg # link: # text: alipay # Post edit # Easily browse and edit blog source code online. post_edit: enable: false # url: https://github.com/user-name/repo-name/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name/ # For example: https://github.com/jerryc127/butterfly.js.org/edit/main/source/ url: # Related Articles related_post: enable: true limit: 6 # Number of posts displayed date_type: created # or created or updated 文章日期顯示創建日或者更新日 # figcaption (圖片描述文字) photofigcaption: false # post_pagination (分頁) # value: 1 || 2 || false # 1: The 'next post' will link to old post # 2: The 'next post' will link to new post # false: disable pagination post_pagination: 1 # Displays outdated notice for a post (文章過期提醒) noticeOutdate: enable: false style: flat # style: simple/flat limit_day: 500 # When will it be shown position: top # position: top/bottom message_prev: It has been message_next: days since the last update, the content of the article may be outdated. # Share System (分享功能) # -------------------------------------- # AddThis # https://www.addthis.com/ addThis: enable: false pubid: # Share.js # https://github.com/overtrue/share.js sharejs: enable: true sites: facebook,twitter,wechat,weibo,qq # AddToAny # https://www.addtoany.com/ addtoany: enable: false item: facebook,twitter,wechat,sina_weibo,facebook_messenger,email,copy_link # Comments System # -------------------------------------- comments: # Up to two comments system, the first will be shown as default # Choose: Disqus/Disqusjs/Livere/Gitalk/Valine/Waline/Utterances/Facebook Comments/Twikoo/Giscus/Remark42 use: # Valine,Disqus text: true # Display the comment name next to the button # lazyload: The comment system will be load when comment element enters the browser's viewport. # If you set it to true, the comment count will be invalid lazyload: false count: false # Display comment count in post's top_img card_post_count: false # Display comment count in Home Page # disqus # https://disqus.com/ disqus: shortname: apikey: # For newest comments widget # Alternative Disqus - Render comments with Disqus API # DisqusJS 評論系統,可以實現在網路審查地區載入 Disqus 評論列表,兼容原版 # https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS disqusjs: shortname: apikey: option: # livere (來必力) # https://www.livere.com/ livere: uid: # gitalk # https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk gitalk: client_id: client_secret: repo: owner: admin: option: # valine # https://valine.js.org valine: appId: # leancloud application app id appKey: # leancloud application app key avatar: monsterid # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/#/avatar serverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in) bg: # valine background visitor: false option: # waline - A simple comment system with backend support fork from Valine # https://waline.js.org/ waline: serverURL: # Waline server address url bg: # waline background pageview: false option: # utterances # https://utteranc.es/ utterances: repo: # Issue Mapping: pathname/url/title/og:title issue_term: pathname # Theme: github-light/github-dark/github-dark-orange/icy-dark/dark-blue/photon-dark light_theme: github-light dark_theme: photon-dark # Facebook Comments Plugin # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/ facebook_comments: app_id: user_id: # optional pageSize: 10 # The number of comments to show order_by: social # social/time/reverse_time lang: en_US # Language en_US/zh_CN/zh_TW and so on # Twikoo # https://github.com/imaegoo/twikoo twikoo: envId: region: visitor: false option: # Giscus # https://giscus.app/ giscus: repo: repo_id: category_id: theme: light: light dark: dark option: # Remark42 # https://remark42.com/docs/configuration/frontend/ remark42: host: # Your Host URL siteId: # Your Site ID option: # Chat Services # -------------------------------------- # Chat Button [recommend] # It will create a button in the bottom right corner of website, and hide the origin button chat_btn: false # The origin chat button is displayed when scrolling up, and the button is hidden when scrolling down chat_hide_show: false # chatra # https://chatra.io/ chatra: enable: false id: # tidio # https://www.tidio.com/ tidio: enable: false public_key: # daovoice # http://daovoice.io/ daovoice: enable: false app_id: # gitter # https://gitter.im/ gitter: enable: false room: # crisp # https://crisp.chat/en/ crisp: enable: false website_id: # Footer Settings # -------------------------------------- footer: owner: enable: true since: 2020 custom_text: copyright: true # Copyright of theme and framework # Analysis # -------------------------------------- # Baidu Analytics # https://tongji.baidu.com/web/welcome/login baidu_analytics: # Google Analytics # https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ google_analytics: # CNZZ Analytics # https://www.umeng.com/ cnzz_analytics: # Cloudflare Analytics # https://www.cloudflare.com/zh-tw/web-analytics/ cloudflare_analytics: # Microsoft Clarity # https://clarity.microsoft.com/ microsoft_clarity: # Advertisement # -------------------------------------- # Google Adsense (谷歌廣告) google_adsense: enable: false auto_ads: true js: https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js client: enable_page_level_ads: true # Insert ads manually (手動插入廣告) # ad: # index: # aside: # post: # Verification (站長驗證) # -------------------------------------- site_verification: # - name: google-site-verification # content: xxxxxx # - name: baidu-site-verification # content: xxxxxxx # Beautify/Effect (美化/效果) # -------------------------------------- # Theme color for customize # Notice: color value must in double quotes like "#000" or may cause error! # theme_color: # enable: true # main: "#49B1F5" # paginator: "#00c4b6" # button_hover: "#FF7242" # text_selection: "#00c4b6" # link_color: "#99a9bf" # meta_color: "#858585" # hr_color: "#A4D8FA" # code_foreground: "#F47466" # code_background: "rgba(27, 31, 35, .05)" # toc_color: "#00c4b6" # blockquote_padding_color: "#49b1f5" # blockquote_background_color: "#49b1f5" # scrollbar_color: "#49b1f5" # meta_theme_color_light: "ffffff" # meta_theme_color_dark: "#0d0d0d" # The top_img settings of home page # default: top img - full screen, site info - middle (默認top_img全屏,site_info在中間) # The position of site info, eg: 300px/300em/300rem/10% (主頁標題距離頂部距離) index_site_info_top: # The height of top_img, eg: 300px/300em/300rem (主頁top_img高度) index_top_img_height: # The user interface setting of category and tag page (category和tag頁的UI設置) # index - same as Homepage UI (index 值代表 UI將與首頁的UI一樣) # default - same as archives UI 默認跟archives頁面UI一樣 category_ui: # 留空或 index tag_ui: # 留空或 index # Website Background (設置網站背景) # can set it to color or image (可設置圖片 或者 顔色) # The formal of image: url(http://xxxxxx.com/xxx.jpg) background: # Footer Background footer_bg: false # the position of bottom right button/default unit: px (右下角按鈕距離底部的距離/默認單位為px) rightside-bottom: # Enter transitions (開啓網頁進入效果) enter_transitions: true # Background effects (背景特效) # -------------------------------------- # canvas_ribbon (靜止彩帶背景) # See: https://github.com/hustcc/ribbon.js canvas_ribbon: enable: false size: 150 alpha: 0.6 zIndex: -1 click_to_change: false mobile: false # Fluttering Ribbon (動態彩帶) canvas_fluttering_ribbon: enable: false mobile: false # canvas_nest # https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.js canvas_nest: enable: false color: '0,0,255' #color of lines, default: '0,0,0'; RGB values: (R,G,B).(note: use ',' to separate.) opacity: 0.7 # the opacity of line (0~1), default: 0.5. zIndex: -1 # z-index property of the background, default: -1. count: 99 # the number of lines, default: 99. mobile: false # Typewriter Effect (打字效果) # https://github.com/disjukr/activate-power-mode activate_power_mode: enable: false colorful: true # open particle animation (冒光特效) shake: true # open shake (抖動特效) mobile: false # Mouse click effects: fireworks (鼠標點擊效果: 煙火特效) fireworks: enable: false zIndex: 9999 # -1 or 9999 mobile: false # Mouse click effects: Heart symbol (鼠標點擊效果: 愛心) click_heart: enable: false mobile: false # Mouse click effects: words (鼠標點擊效果: 文字) ClickShowText: enable: false text: # - I # - LOVE # - YOU fontSize: 15px random: false mobile: false # Default display mode (網站默認的顯示模式) # light (default) / dark display_mode: light # Beautify (美化頁面顯示) beautify: enable: false field: post # site/post title-prefix-icon: # '\f0c1' title-prefix-icon-color: # '#F47466' # Global font settings # Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (非必要不要修改) font: global-font-size: code-font-size: font-family: code-font-family: # Font settings for the site title and site subtitle # 左上角網站名字 主頁居中網站名字 blog_title_font: font_link: font-family: # The setting of divider icon (水平分隔線圖標設置) hr_icon: enable: true icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' icon-top: # the subtitle on homepage (主頁subtitle) subtitle: enable: false # Typewriter Effect (打字效果) effect: true # loop (循環打字) loop: true # source 調用第三方服務 # source: false 關閉調用 # source: 1 調用一言網的一句話(簡體) https://hitokoto.cn/ # source: 2 調用一句網(簡體) http://yijuzhan.com/ # source: 3 調用今日詩詞(簡體) https://www.jinrishici.com/ # subtitle 會先顯示 source , 再顯示 sub 的內容 source: false # 如果關閉打字效果,subtitle 只會顯示 sub 的第一行文字 sub: # Loading Animation (加載動畫) preloader: false # aside (側邊欄) # -------------------------------------- aside: enable: true hide: false button: true mobile: true # display on mobile position: right # left or right display: archive: true tag: true category: true card_author: enable: true description: button: enable: true icon: fab fa-github text: Follow Me link: https://github.com/xxxxxx card_announcement: enable: true content: This is my Blog card_recent_post: enable: true limit: 5 # if set 0 will show all sort: date # date or updated sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_categories: enable: true limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all expand: none # none/true/false sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_tags: enable: true limit: 40 # if set 0 will show all color: false sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_archives: enable: true type: monthly # yearly or monthly format: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月 order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_webinfo: enable: true post_count: true last_push_date: true sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works # busuanzi count for PV / UV in site # 訪問人數 busuanzi: site_uv: true site_pv: true page_pv: true # Time difference between publish date and now (網頁運行時間) # Formal: Month/Day/Year Time or Year/Month/Day Time runtimeshow: enable: false publish_date: # Aside widget - Newest Comments newest_comments: enable: false sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works limit: 6 storage: 10 # unit: mins, save data to localStorage avatar: true # Bottom right button (右下角按鈕) # -------------------------------------- # Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese (簡繁轉換) translate: enable: false # The text of a button default: 繁 # the language of website (1 - Traditional Chinese/ 2 - Simplified Chinese) defaultEncoding: 2 # Time delay translateDelay: 0 # The text of the button when the language is Simplified Chinese msgToTraditionalChinese: '繁' # The text of the button when the language is Traditional Chinese msgToSimplifiedChinese: '簡' # Read Mode (閲讀模式) readmode: true # dark mode darkmode: enable: true # Toggle Button to switch dark/light mode button: true # Switch dark/light mode automatically (自動切換 dark mode和 light mode) # autoChangeMode: 1 Following System Settings, if the system doesn't support dark mode, it will switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am # autoChangeMode: 2 Switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am # autoChangeMode: false autoChangeMode: false # Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (非必要請不要修改 ) # Choose: readmode,translate,darkmode,hideAside,toc,chat,comment # Don't repeat 不要重複 rightside_item_order: enable: false hide: # readmode,translate,darkmode,hideAside show: # toc,chat,comment # Lightbox (圖片大圖查看模式) # -------------------------------------- # You can only choose one, or neither (只能選擇一個 或者 兩個都不選) # medium-zoom # https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom medium_zoom: false # fancybox # http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/ fancybox: true # Tag Plugins settings (標籤外掛) # -------------------------------------- # mermaid # see https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid mermaid: enable: false # built-in themes: default/forest/dark/neutral theme: light: default dark: dark # Note (Bootstrap Callout) note: # Note tag style values: # - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default. # - modern bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style. # - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow. # - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag. style: flat icons: true border_radius: 3 # Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6). # Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag. light_bg_offset: 0 # other # -------------------------------------- # Pjax # It may contain bugs and unstable, give feedback when you find the bugs. # https://github.com/MoOx/pjax pjax: enable: false exclude: # - xxxx # - xxxx # Inject the css and script (aplayer/meting) aplayerInject: enable: false per_page: true # Snackbar (Toast Notification 彈窗) # https://github.com/polonel/SnackBar # position 彈窗位置 # 可選 top-left / top-center / top-right / bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right snackbar: enable: false position: bottom-left bg_light: '#49b1f5' # The background color of Toast Notification in light mode bg_dark: '#1f1f1f' # The background color of Toast Notification in dark mode # https://instant.page/ # prefetch (預加載) instantpage: false # https://github.com/vinta/pangu.js # Insert a space between Chinese character and English character (中英文之間添加空格) pangu: enable: false field: site # site/post # Lazyload (圖片懶加載) # https://github.com/verlok/vanilla-lazyload lazyload: enable: false field: site # site/post placeholder: blur: false # PWA # See https://github.com/JLHwung/hexo-offline # --------------- # pwa: # enable: false # manifest: /pwa/manifest.json # apple_touch_icon: /pwa/apple-touch-icon.png # favicon_32_32: /pwa/32.png # favicon_16_16: /pwa/16.png # mask_icon: /pwa/safari-pinned-tab.svg # Open graph meta tags # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/ Open_Graph_meta: true # Add the vendor prefixes to ensure compatibility css_prefix: true # Inject # Insert the code to head (before '' tag) and the bottom (before '' tag) # 插入代码到头部 之前 和 底部 之前 inject: head: # - bottom: # - # CDN # Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work # 非必要請不要修改 CDN: # The CDN provider of internal scripts (主題內部 js 的 cdn 配置) # option: local/jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom # Dev version can only choose. ( dev版的主題只能設置為 local ) internal_provider: local # The CDN provider of third party scripts (第三方 js 的 cdn 配置) # option: local/jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom # when set it to local, you need to install hexo-butterfly-extjs third_party_provider: jsdelivr # Add version number to CDN, true or false version: false # Custom format # For example: https://cdn.staticfile.org/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${min_cdnjs_file} custom_format: option: # main_css: # main: # utils: # translate: # local_search: # algolia_js: # algolia_search_v4: # instantsearch_v4: # pjax: # gitalk: # gitalk_css: # blueimp_md5: # valine: # disqusjs: # disqusjs_css: # twikoo: # waline_js: # waline_css: # sharejs: # sharejs_css: # mathjax: # katex: # katex_copytex: # mermaid: # canvas_ribbon: # canvas_fluttering_ribbon: # canvas_nest: # lazyload: # instantpage: # typed: # pangu: # fancybox_css_v4: # fancybox_v4: # medium_zoom: # snackbar_css: # snackbar: # activate_power_mode: # fireworks: # click_heart: # ClickShowText: # fontawesomeV6: # flickr_justified_gallery_js: # flickr_justified_gallery_css: # aplayer_css: # aplayer_js: # meting_js: # prismjs_js: # prismjs_lineNumber_js: # prismjs_autoloader: