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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
# Train on CPU (hide GPU) due to memory constraints
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "0"
import tensorflow as tf
import settings
from constructor import get_placeholder, get_model, format_data, get_optimizer, update
from metrics import linkpred_metrics
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from dppy.finite_dpps import FiniteDPP
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import numpy as np
import as scio
# Settings
flags =
class Link_pred_Runner():
def __init__(self, settings):
self.data_name = settings['data_name']
self.iteration = settings['iterations']
self.model = settings['model']
def erun(self):
model_str = self.model
# formatted data
feas = format_data(self.data_name)
# Define placeholders
# 定义placeholders,get_placeholder函数中只需要传入一个参数,即adj,函数中需要用到adj.shape
placeholders = get_placeholder(feas['adj'], feas['num_features'])
# 定义由Dpp和密度估计出来的混合高斯
DPP = FiniteDPP('correlation', **{'K': feas['adj'].toarray()})
# DPP.sample_exact_k_dpp(size=4)
pca = PCA(n_components=FLAGS.hidden2)
# index = DPP.list_of_samples[0]
if self.data_name == 'cora':
DPP.sample_exact_k_dpp(size=21) # e 21 ic 6 gpcr 3
index = DPP.list_of_samples[0]
elif self.data_name == 'citeseer':
index = np.array([1782, 741, 3258, 3189, 3112, 2524, 2895, 1780, 1100, 2735, 1318,
2944, 1825, 18, 987, 2564, 463, 6, 3173, 701, 1901, 2349,
2786, 2412, 646, 2626, 2648, 1793, 432, 538, 1729, 1217, 1397,
1932, 2850, 458, 2129, 702, 2934, 2030, 2882, 1393, 308, 1271,
1106, 2688, 629, 1145, 3251, 1903, 1004, 1149, 1385, 285, 858,
2977, 844, 335, 532, 404, 3174, 528])
elif self.data_name == 'pubmed':
index = np.array([842, 3338, 5712, 17511, 10801, 2714, 6970, 13296, 5466,
feature_sample = feas['features_dense']
feature_sample = pca.fit_transform(feature_sample)
featuresCompress = np.array([feature_sample[i] for i in index])
# featuresCompress = np.array(feature_sample)
kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=0.7).fit(featuresCompress)
# construct model
d_real, discriminator, ae_model, model_z2g, D_Graph, GD_real = get_model(model_str, placeholders, feas['num_features'], feas['num_nodes'], feas['features_nonzero'])
# Optimizer
opt = get_optimizer(model_str, ae_model, model_z2g, D_Graph, discriminator, placeholders, feas['pos_weight'], feas['norm'], d_real, feas['num_nodes'], GD_real)
# Initialize session
# config = tf.ConfigProto()
# config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# sess = tf.Session(config = config)
sess = tf.Session()
val_roc_score = []
record = []
record_emb = []
# Train model
for epoch in range(self.iteration):
emb, avg_cost = update(ae_model, opt, sess, feas['adj_norm'], feas['adj_label'], feas['features'], placeholders, feas['adj'], kde, feas['features_dense'])
lm_train = linkpred_metrics(feas['val_edges'], feas['val_edges_false'])
roc_curr, ap_curr, _, aupr_score = lm_train.get_roc_score(emb, feas)
print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch + 1),
"train_loss= {:.5f}, d_loss= {:.5f}, g_loss= {:.5f}, GD_loss= {:.5f}, GG_loss= {:.5f}".format(avg_cost[0], avg_cost[1], avg_cost[2], avg_cost[3], avg_cost[4]), "val_roc=",
"{:.5f}".format(val_roc_score[-1]), "val_ap=", "{:.5f}".format(ap_curr), "val_aupr=", "{:.5f}".format(aupr_score))
if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0:
lm_test = linkpred_metrics(feas['test_edges'], feas['test_edges_false'])
roc_score, ap_score, _, aupr_score = lm_test.get_roc_score(emb, feas)
print('Test ROC score: ' + str(roc_score), 'Test AUPR score: ' + str(aupr_score), 'Test AP score: ' + str(ap_score))
# print('Test AUPR score: ' + str(aupr_score))
# print('Test AP score: ' + str(ap_score))
record.append([roc_score, aupr_score, ap_score])
rec = np.array(record)
index = rec[:, 0].tolist().index(max(rec[:, 0].tolist()))
index_pr = rec[:, 1].tolist().index(max(rec[:, 1].tolist()))
emb = record_emb[index]
ana = record[index]
ana_pr = record[index_pr]
# scio.savemat('result/{}_link_64_64_new.mat'.format(self.data_name), {'embedded': emb,'labels': feas['true_labels']})
print('The peak [auc] test_roc=%f, aupr=%f, ap = %f' % (ana[0], ana[1], ana[2]))
print('The peak [aupr] test_roc=%f, aupr=%f, ap = %f' % (ana_pr[0], ana_pr[1], ana_pr[2]))